Dear parents and students: I would like to introduce our schools, International English Schools, in this brief presentation. When starting The English School in 1993, it was with the conviction that commanding the English language is imperative in order for youngsters to be able to realize their full potential in the modern world.
Being a teacher in an IES school At IES you have the opportunity to make a difference in your students’ lives. Our schools are a place where every student is seen. Does a student need extra support? We offer it. Does a student need more of a challenge? We provide it. As a teacher at IES you will be a crucial part of your students’ future.
To connect with IES Älvsjö PTA, log in or create an account. Se inlägg på schoolsoft för mer information och dagordning. May the 4th be with you! Glöm inte att svara på föräldraenkäten i schoolsoft.
Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens. Here you find the term dates for the academic year 2021/22. Study Days (studiedagar) will be added shortly.
Om SchoolSoft; Skolans blogg; Dashboard. Go to SchoolSoft website IES News IES Älvsjö; IES Årsta; IES Örebro; IES Östersund; Gymnasiet; IEGS Södermalm; IES Utomlands; Colegio Joyfe in Madrid; Colegio Privado Engage in Madrid; IEP in Asturias; IEP in Castellón; IEP in La Nucía;
Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder.
Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about
PTA IES Internationella Engelska Skolan is today the largest free school organization at the compulsory level (Grundskolan) in Sweden. More than 21 400 students attend our 30 schools around the country. Welcome to IES Älvsjö | IES Älvsjö Skip to main content Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet.
School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency.
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IES Älvsjö PTA. 59 likes · 2 talking about this. PTA is a non-profit association consisting of dedicated and enthusiastic parents who work towards the development of the students and the betterment Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork.
It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about
School Life FAQ My child is sick. How do I let the school know?
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En IES-utbildning Skolan är en av de viktigaste delarna av varje elevs liv. Den spelar en avgörande roll för om ditt barn ska kunna förverkliga sina förhoppningar och drömmar samt för hur han eller hon utvecklas som människa.
Our Story | IES Last Day Of School - Graduation | IES Älvsjö IES Älvsjö Officially Opened | Internationella Engelska Skolan.